Armagh and District U3A was formed in April 2011 and is continuing to grow and attract new members.
The U3A caters for people from all walks of life, whether retired or semi-retired and following a wide variety of interests. U3A is not an academic institution nor yet an ordinary club, our most important principle being that we teach and learn from each other. The term ‘university’ is used in its original sense of a grouping of like minded people meeting together.
U3As comprise a number of interest groups which meet weekly, fortnightly, monthly or just occasionally. These activity groups reflect the interests of the group convenors almost all of whom are volunteer members, and also the desire of the members to learn more about a particular interest. The convenors look after the practicalities of running a group ie membership, premises, refreshments etc.
U3As are run by the members through an elected committee, sub-committees and with support from other U3As throughout the Province. A nationwide network is promoted by the Third Age Trust, our parent body in London. Members act as convenors, leaders, tutors, typists or coffee makers, looking after individual interest groups, using enthusiasm and their life-time experience to encourage fellow members to participate and help. They are not necessarily, in fact often NOT teachers! Sometimes, to provide variety where members are either unable or unwilling to give up their time, groups invite outside tutors and speakers to help them with their activities, but, if at all possible, not on a regular basis. Links may also be made with other educational organisations, such as LibrariesNI, WEA or the local FE College who may provide premises, help and advice or classes requiring expensive equipment such as IT.